Leadership Podcast
Always lead with integrity.
Never lead alone.
This is the podcast for leaders and those who should be leading. It’s a powerful gathering of people of influence in the areas of business, community and faith.

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It’s been said that speaking is the highest paid profession in business. But, this isn’t necessarily true.
Yes. Leaders with the capability to speak before large audiences and in creative and compelling ways have only the sky as their limit in their ability to succeed.
But, there is an even more valuable skill set for leaders than speaking. And, that skill is listening.
You won’t be a good speaker if you don’t listen to and understand your audience. You won’t be a good leader if you are not an exceptional listener.
Join Michael and Jim in this important episode as they share advanced listening techniques for entrepreneurs.

For those of us who have been leaders or business owners for any length of time, you are quite aware of this sad truth…and that is, you’re going to spend a lot of time at the Leadership Heartbreak Hotel.
As entrepreneurs, we’re risk takers. This is exactly what we’ve signed up for. If you’re going to reach for glory, you’re going have to gamble with your heart.
You can’t say, “I’m going to put my heart into this project,” without actually putting your heart on the line. The currency you’re investing is both financial…and emotional.
So, what do you do when your leadership heart breaks?
Join Michael and Jim in this powerful discussion explaining how to mend up the heartbreak wounds and get back on your feet again.

Leadership is about motivation, perseverance, adrenaline, rising above the challenge, reaching a higher level…boldly going where no one has gone before…and then…there are those days…
…when you just don’t feel like doing anything.
Some of the things that need doing, aren’t all that fun to get done. And, your head might be in the gray clouds, in a depressed mindset where nothing is enjoyable to do.
But, you still need to get things done. Your team is counting on you.
And, being able to be productive even when you just don’t feel like it, is a skill leaders need in order to succeed.
Join Michael and Jim as they share how to get the most sunshine out of those cloudy days.

We all have those people in life, those true leaders, who when we have an important decision to make…we will go to them. They are our trusted advisor.
They are someone we respect. They are someone we trust.
In many ways, it’s hard to imagine going through life without these people. They have so much influence on our achievements.
In business, one could argue that being a trusted advisor is a necessity in being successful as a leader of an organization.
Can you learn to be a trusted advisor? Absolutely.
Join Michael and Jim as they dive deep into the topic of what it takes to be a trusted advisor.

As a leader…all of the world is a stage. You’re the lead player, and more than anyone in your organization, you are in the spotlight…for better and for worse.
Unfortunately, for many of us, the worst parts of our personalities can draw the most attention, and often do.
We’re having to make difficult decisions under constant pressure, and because of this we can crack, and in the process really embarrass ourselves in front of our team.
If this occurs frequently and we don’t handle our mistakes properly, our company culture can devolve rapidly and will become dysfunctional.
Join Michael and Jim as they reveal their struggles in this area, and provide key insights into overcoming this common leadership issue.

There are those times on the high wire when it comes to being a leader, when it feels like you’re walking between skyscrapers, and your knees are feeling shaky, and the winds are howling around you.
Then, glancing far, far below, you see a crowd…and you can see it in their eyes…they are thinking: “That guy’s going to fall!”
It’s actually a state of mind, a visceral, psychological event that leaders and entrepreneurs go through, and there is a highly technical term for it…it’s called, starting a business.
Or…launching a new product line, overcoming a crisis, saving the organization…the list goes on and on.
Join Michael and Jim as they share how to work through those times when it seems as if no one believes in you, including yourself.

Business leaders are often faced with a challenging decision when it comes to the crossroads of uncertainty: should I hit the brakes, or should I accelerate?
We’ve all been in that situation on the road. We’re driving along at a nice, even pace. In the distance, everything is clear, and there is a green light on the traffic signal.
Yet, suddenly, the light turns yellow, and we’re faced with a decision. So too, is the case when it comes to your business.
Is the wise choice to hit the brakes and to slow everything down? Or will it be better to step on the accelerator and ride through it with momentum?
Join Michael and Jim as they explore this important topic in detail.

Leaders, have you ever felt this way: Your mind is spinning, your blood pressure is rising, the problems are many, and the solutions are few?
The walls are closing in all around you and the heat is clearly on. So what do you need to do?
You need to take a break.
It may seem completely counter-intuitive and some would say impossible during times like these…but taking a mental break…even when there is madness all around you…is not optional…it’s essential.
But, how do you do it without falling further and hopelessly behind?
Join Michael and Jim as they share leadership strategies for taking a break.

There are many different ways of deconstructing the elements of success in business.
Yet perhaps, if you were to best break it down, you could say that success comes from a series of many, many right decisions.
So if we believe the premise, that success in being entrepreneur comes from making more significant right decisions, than wrong ones, then the pathway to victory now becomes a discipline of learning how to make right decisions.
But, can you actually learn how to make the right decisions?
Absolutely, and join Michael and Jim in this episode to learn how.

There will come these times in the leadership journey when you and your organization hit a briar patch, a thorny place where the tires get stuck in the mud and the battery is not starting.
It’s not what you planned…it’s not what you hoped for…but it’s dark outside, it’s starting to rain…and your team is looking at you for the solution.
What is clear is a response is needed. In this moment, you may not have a clue what to do. But, that doesn’t change the fact that everyone is counting on you and expecting some magic.
Which means, it’s time for you to pull some rabbits out of your leadership hat.
Join Michael and Jim as they shed light on one of the least talked about, but perhaps most important leadership skill.