Leadership Podcast

Always lead with integrity.
Never lead alone.

This is the podcast for leaders and those who should be leading. It’s a powerful gathering of people of influence in the areas of businesscommunity and faith.

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It’s been a business objective for companies to have their employees feel like they are part of their corporate family.

Yet, so many organizations fall short in this area because their efforts are often perceived as forced and contrived by their staff.

Too few businesses are able to create a genuine sense of family.

Join Michael and Jim as they explore authentic and effective ways to build a healthy family atmosphere in your company.

As leaders and entrepreneurs, we get it.

If we don’t clearly understand the needs and wants of our clients, we won’t be in business for very long.

Yet, this isn’t always as obvious to our employees who many times are only able to see things from their own perspective.

Join Michael and Jim as they share ideas on how to teach your staff to see things from a customer’s viewpoint.

Leaders and entrepreneurs are uniquely adept at doing the impossible. It’s how we’re designed.

Yet, the real challenge is leading our team through an impossible task.

How do we accomplish critical, and extremely difficult assignments, without burning out our entire staff?

Join Michael and Jim as they discuss this topic and provide key insights into improving this important skill in your leadership toolkit.

Many times, it’s the worst thing that can happen to a leader.

First, there is a knock on the door, followed by, “Boss, you’ve got a minute?”

Having your best person letting you know they are leaving the company can ruin any business owner’s day, and in many cases can cause significant damage to the company.

Join Michael and Jim as they discuss how best to cope with this most unfortunate, and all too common, situation. 

Maybe you hear this too often from your team: “You never listen to what we have to say.”

No. You don’t want to be that type of leader. Because, you’ll only chase away the sharpest, most creative minds.

At the same time, you can’t take in everyone’s ideas, all of the time, or your vision will always be “under construction” and won’t ever make it out of the garage.

Join Michael and Jim in the 25th episode of the Two Are Gathered Leadership Podcast to get their unique insights in how to be both a great listener, and a decisive leader.

If you’re going to be a leader. If you’re going to be an entrepreneur.

Then you’re going to end up with knots in your stomach.

By nature, leaders are always pushing things to the limit, and demanding the most out of themselves and their teams.

Yet, this doesn’t mean you should be a nervous wreck and a wrecking ball in your organization. There is a better way.

Join Michael and Jim as they share practical methods for untying those crippling knots of tension in your life.

Anyone can start. Be a finisher.

This is a powerful statement for leaders and entrepreneurs. But it’s one many struggle with in a mighty way.

Coming up with an idea on a cocktail napkin is the fun part of starting a business or new venture. Yet, it’s the ability to reach the finish line that separates the wannabes from the highly successful.

Join Michael and Jim as they provide insightful strategies that will help you and your team finish…and finish well. 

Entrepreneurs and leaders are among the most innovative people in the world.

Yet, this same extraordinary creative skill can prove to be a great weakness as well, as chasing butterflies can be a distraction to achieving their most business critical goals.

Join Michael and Jim as they discuss this phenomenon and provide detail strategies for keeping both leaders and their teams focused on success.

In this challenging environment, providing competitive salary and benefits is essential to building a great team.

But, did you know there is a motivator that your employees crave above all others? 

Study after study shows this critical role in your leadership responsibilities will have more impact on the long-term performance of your team than anything else. 

Join Michael and Jim as they share the importance of ringing the victory bell in your organization. 

Every leader gets overwhelmed.

In fact, the ability to deal competently in the face of overlapping priorities is one of the most critical success factors of a leader.

Yet, it’s also one of the most unpleasant tasks and the cause of tremendous stress, and oftentimes lack of sleep.

Join Michael and Jim as they share key strategies in both avoiding and dealing with the entrepreneur’s common ailment of being overwhelmed. 

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