Leadership Podcast
Always lead with integrity.
Never lead alone.
This is the podcast for leaders and those who should be leading. It’s a powerful gathering of people of influence in the areas of business, community and faith.

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Successful leaders need to be effective communicators. This requires specific skill at using the language of leadership.
Not all entrepreneurs launch their businesses with sharp communication skills. In fact, few ever do.
The good news is the ability to communicate with power and precision is an acquired skill set. It can be learned. It can be developed day by day if you make it a priority, as you should.
Join Michael and Jim as they explore important facets of the language of leadership.

Every leader knows the role of perseverance in running a business. They understand the importance of overcoming obstacles on the pathway to success.
Yet, few leaders every really consider what they’ll do when success finally arrives.
Surprisingly, this is one of the greatest causes of depression for entrepreneurs and goal setters. They finally reach their destination and they are overcome with one single, overwhelming sentiment:
“Is this it?”
Join Michael and Jim as they discuss a topic few others ever have, preparing you for when you reach the top of your mountain.

Sometimes an entrepreneur can experience seasons of defeat. These are moments when you’re too deep in the valleys to even catch a glimpse of the peaks.
Depression runs rampant among business owners and much of it is caused by the fatigue of stress and disappointment.
It’s understandable in these times to find yourself in a place where your emotional embers are down to a dull glow.
But, don’t despair! Oftentimes, it just takes some fresh winds to get the fires raging again.
Join Michael and Jim as they share best practices for rekindling your leadership fire.

Getting overwhelmed. Getting over our heads. This is a very common issue with entrepreneurs and one that needs to be avoided.
It’s one thing to be swimming in deep waters. It’s another thing to be drowning.
Fortunately, in business, when you’re in those deep waters, there are different types of lifesavers and life rafts that can assist you when you’re too short on time and too long on responsibilities.
And, one of the most powerful flotation devices is something called outsourcing. Yet, if you don’t get outsourcing right, you’ll create more problems than solutions.
Join Michael and Jim as they offer insights into the Do’s and Don’ts of outsourcing.

The heartbreak. The seemingly insurmountable challenges. Even failure. These are all part of the entrepreneurial journey.
Yet, there are those times. Those sweet, sweet moments when a plan comes together. When your team beats all odds.
You overcome. And, above the clouds, with an unbelievable view below of all you’ve accomplished, it is all suddenly and powerfully worth the struggle.
Join Michael and Jim in this special 75th episode of the Two Are Gathered Leadership podcast where encouragement for leaders abounds.

Most entrepreneurs struggle from the “Lone Ranger Syndrome” in that they try to carry all of their company’s challenges on their own shoulders.
Yet, it doesn’t take too long for most business owners to realize this is a recipe for burnout and poor leadership performance.
Still, you can get yourself in big trouble if you share your troubles with the wrong people. So what do you do?
Well…you listen to Michael and Jim in this important episode detailing key strategies around lifting your leadership burden by trusting your problems on the shoulders of others.

One of the most important leadership capabilities an entrepreneur can have is knowing the right times to make changes in their organizations.
Too often, we act too quickly or too slowly.
Skilled, experienced leaders are instinctively strong when it comes knowing exactly when to pull the trigger on decisions large and small.
Join Michael and Jim as they share insights into developing this critical skillset for the benefit of your organization.

There is so much that can go wrong in owning a business, and too often it all goes wrong at the same time. Sometimes, all you can do is laugh.
And, this is not a bad thing. That is, if you are using the strategic leadership skill of having a sense of humor.
So often, the entrepreneurial stress can get overwhelming and if you don’t face your challenges with some humility and levity, then they will consume you.
Join Michael and Jim as they share the infrequently discussed, yet highly important, leadership survival skill of sense of humor.

One of the single most important traits of a successful entrepreneur is perseverance. You can’t reach the prize, if you’re too quick to quit when times get tough.
But, actually the pathway to success is much more complicated than just having perseverance. You need to know how to use it properly.
This is because there is a thin line between perseverance and delusion.
Get this wrong, and you’re going to end up leaving a path of destruction.
Join Michael and Jim as they discuss the finer, and highly important, points of perseverance.

All leaders make mistakes. And, because we are so stubborn and persistent, oftentimes these mistakes turn into huge messes.
Just like mistakes, messes can turn into learning opportunities with the chance to ultimately move our organizations forward in a multitude of positive ways.
Yet, there is still the initial the problem of cleaning up these messes. And, it’s easily one of the least enjoyable and most costly exercises an entrepreneur has to face.
Join Michael and Jim as they pass out the shovels, as well as hand out valuable best practices for cleaning up after yourself.